Stone Age Skirmish Art

In the paleolithic land where Dave the caveman lives, anything is possible. Like man roaming the Earth alongside dinosaurs. Or having a pterodactyl named Terry as a friend/pet. Or having your girlfriend kidnapped by a bitter rival who happens to have the ability to control the birds, and who then uses them to try and kill you. You can't let him get away with it! Help Dave and Terry fly their way to their rival's lair, while avoiding the onslaught of evil birds trying to knock you out of the sky!

Stone Age Skirmish was a project for a class, in which we had to create assets and a theme for a pre-made shmup game. I went with the unlikely theme of cavemen riding dinosaurs, fighting evil birds!

In-game screenshot: Dave the caveman winds up to throw a rock at some evil birds

Here's some more of the artwork, in full scale, to look at!

Full-sized sprite of Dave Full-sized sprite of an enemy bird Full-sized sprite of Dave's bullet; a rock Full-sized sprite of the birds' bullet; a sunflower seed Full-sized sprite of the sun
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