About Me

I am Edward Opich III, Junior Software Engineer at Discovery Machine, Inc., and free-time indie video game developer.

I took my first steps into the art of software and game development around 2009, when I made some super basic games using Game Maker, and have since broadened my scope to using languages like C++, C#, and JavaScript, libraries like Allegro and Monogame, and engines like Unity. Some games I've developed since include The Trip of the Sentry, Apocalyptic Pizza Dash, and Odyssey, second place winner of the 2018 New York State Game Dev Challenge, in the Student category.

While programming is my main passion, I also dabble in artwork and music. My graphics program of choice is GIMP, be it for pixel art, or full-scale artwork. I use LMMS for my music production, though if I need to make authentic chiptunes I've also worked with FamiTracker and Deflemask.

Now that the introductions are out of the way, feel free to take a look around!

A picture of me
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