Motorola 68000 Disassembler

A program that converts raw binary data into readable Motorola 68000 assembly code. I was getting into Sega Genesis homebrew development in my free time, and thus had a need to learn how to program for its processor, the M68k. So, I wrote this disassembler with the hopes of solidifying my knowledge of its assembly language in the process.

Its current functionality consists of blindly parsing a file's data into 68k instructions to be output to another file. One can input a decimal starting and ending address if they don't want to parse the whole file in one go. I originally intended on adding more features, but I have since ceased development after having lost interest.

The disassembler was developed in C++, with no external libraries, for the command line. It is made to be compatible with the Asm68k Assembler.

This was a solo project, done entirely in my free time, of my own will and desire.

Screenshot of the disassembler's instructions

Click Here to Download the 68k Disassembler!

Click Here to go to the GitHub repository!