Apocalyptic Pizza Dash

It's the zombie apocalypse, but that won't stop this pizza shop from meeting its 30-minute guarantee! Enter the shoes of the shop's trusted pizza delivery girl as you rush to make your route on time, while fighting off zombies with nothing but a spatula! Don't take too long; the zombies come out in droves past sun-down!

Apocalyptic Pizza Dash was a game I made with some friends/classmates as a project for a class in 2016. We were assigned the task of designing and developing a video game from the ground up, and completing it within a semester. This is the result of that assignment.

My efforts were devoted to architecting the code, and doing a lot of gameplay programming; I am responsible for getting climbing, attacking, jumping, and scrolling the screen working properly, as well as programming the interactions between objects.

The game was developed using the MonoGame library with C#.

The team consisted of myself, Christopher Schiff, Eleanor Post, and Isabella Verbraak.

In-game Screenshot: Pizza girl surrounded by zombies

Click Here to Download Apocalyptic Pizza Dash!

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